Tuesday, 3 October 2017


"Who do you think you are? 
Running around leaving scars."
- Jar of Hearts, Christina Perri

“He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something." said Stephen Paddock's brother when questioned. 
Stephen Paddock was a regular chap who liked burritos. Today, he is a dead criminal who slaughtered 59 people and injured 527 from his hotel room, in Vegas. 
What went wrong? The police are unable to determine the cause behind the mass shooting as it was not a terrorist attack (it did not have social or political motives). Yes, the shooting cannot be justified, but I would love to know what was going on in Paddock's head. 
No child is born evil. The way a child is conditioned by society determines his behaviour. Each action undertaken by a person in a sound state of mind has a reason behind it. The reason(s) may not make sense to the families of the people upon whom the damage was inflicted, or to the victims, or to you, or to me. But in the head of the inflictor, his actions were validated. The man was probably in great mental distress or aggrieved in some way to take such a drastic step. Sadly, we will never know his tale.
However, at the end of the day, people did lose their lives and families were torn apart. Solutions like gun control are being tossed about social media. Sure, that could stop small robberies but could it stop a determined criminal? Gun control is practised in other countries but it does not faze hardened criminals from using underhand methods to obtain weapons. 
Someone once told me about a serum which is being prepared by scientists which could potentially remove certain notions and memories from one's brain. This implies that if concepts of terrorism and hate are removed from the total population, one day we could have mankind thriving in peace, for no one in society could condition a child to despise. No one could be so cold that they traumatise people on purpose. No one could run around leaving scars.  
My prayers are with the victims of the Vegas attack and their families. I pray for peace and for global happiness. 
Miss Peppermint asks- How do you think peace can be established forever? Let me know in the comments section!